This is my version of Ian's(slacker at Echo Base PT2399 digital delay with minor alterations. I use JFET switching instead of 4066 CMOS switching. Some time ago I had problems with this CMOS leading my unit to fail and I don't even know why. Haha. Anyway, pot values are; LEVEL, REPEAT, and DEPTH is 100K-audio(you might want to try linear tapered pots on these); TIME is 50K linear taper; and SPEED is 1M linear( but I used reverse log taper on my build, so you decide!).
I use J113 for the JFET's salvaged from an old broken DOD pedal. You can use either J201 or similar. And also I used an 11 volt zener(1N4741) as protection diode. Bypass switching is illustrated in the pdf file.
The layout is very compact, designed to accomodate miniature electrolytics or boxed film capacitors. Layout's verified? Oh yes!
Layout Download