Basically, a Marshall Guvnor derivative distortion pedal which is more similar of that from MI Audio's Crunchbox. Clipping is at the feedback loop of the opamp rather than shunting it to ground as seen in the latter. A few notes: - the VOLUME pot's Wiper(2) is the effect OUT. - An SPDTwithCENTER OFF toggle switch is used(this is much of a PRESENCE function similar to Crunchbox, only with a fixed 4.7K resistor). "center" pad refers to the CENTER pole of the toggle switch. - CLIPPING selector switch, use an SPDT with CENTER OFF toggle switch same as mentioned above. Pads located between the 51pF cap and 10K resistor just above the opamp. - Si refers to Silicon diode(i.e. 1N4148 or similar) - Ge refers to Germanium diode(i.e. 1N34A, 1N60, etc) - All SQUARE pads of the diode is the CATHODE. - The 1M resistor beside the JUMPER, the 100pF and 2.2uF cap is actually 560K in actual SEVERE units. - Leave the pads empty labeled as "LED" just above the 1N4001 protection diode.
This has been discussed at the stompbox forum. First, This is NOT yet verified as far as I'm concerned. I haven't built one either since I have my CE-2 clone. The layout is only based from the retrofit's schematic using MN3007 BBD instead of the original SAD512. Suppose, if the retrofit schematic is correct and working, then there is no reason that the layout won't work. By then, build at your own risk!. Pot is 500K reverse log(audio) type. Transistors could be any common NPN's (2N5088, 2N3904, etc).
(PS: May mga follower na din pala ako na taga.PM..pagkakuyaw jud mga bai!..)