Wednesday, September 16, 2009
EQ and more Distortions!
Yamaha NE-1 and some customized distortion circuits to be posted this week. More over on this next time!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tech 21 XXL

Here you go as requested, this is the Tech 21 XXL distortion layout minus the CMOS switching and the input buffer of the original circuit. You may want to add a capacitor from 0.1uF-1uF in the jumper labeled as "Cin?" and also changing the biasing ressistor labeled "100K??" into a 1M resistor. Anyway, that is just only a suggestion. Pots are all 100K LINEAR.
Layout Download
Tech 21 XXL,
warp control
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
DNA Gain F***er 2

This is the layout of the Gain F***er 2 distortion from DNA Analogic. Pads are provided to FETs and bipolar transistors that has different pinouts. Pots are all 100K. I would recommend using log tapers at DRIVE and LEVEL controls, a reverse audio taper at CUT, and a linear one at the FXXX control. Enjoy!
Layout Download

DNA Gain F***er 2,
high gain,
Monday, May 18, 2009
Layout Downloads
Hi, mi amigos!!. Starting today layouts will now be provided with download links as you can see. Every now and then links are added accordingly. Thanks. c'ya.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Hey guys, first i'm really really sorry for not returning any emails. I've been busy these days ya know and also my computer got repaired. I really apologize to all of you. But don't worry just wait for those requested layouts. Thank you
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Fuzz Factory
Well, this is not new as there have been so many FF projects lying around the net. And I just decided to do a layout since it's so very easy. Pots are mounted directly to the PCB and should be placed vertically like those in original zvex's. I used 125B type box with no problems. Please note that transistor values are my own choices. Components below the "STAB" pot(ie 4.7K, 390 ohms, and 22uF cap) is an LED anti-pop circuit.
Layout Download
Layout Download

Monday, March 2, 2009
Sansamp GT-2 and BDDI 3-band EQ

I heard a lot of issues regarding the active EQ's of the Sansamp GT2 or Bass Driver DI as it it too hifi sounding. Well, for me it doesn't really bothers me at all because I always like these pedals. What I have here is a 3 band active EQ taken from the other Sansamp - the Tri-AC. I didn't mean to replace the existing stock EQ of the original circuit but rather using both one at a time will be a good idea. By using a DPDT or 3PDT toggle switch, meaning only one EQ circuit will be used while bypassing the other, not bad huh?. Please watch out for the connections. The pad labeled "V/2" refers to Vref(4.5V) and should be connected in the main GT-2 board where Vref is located. You should know it's location, say, if Tonepad's board is used(ORANGE colored pcb tracks). There's plenty of room to drill on that board. IC is a matter of taste so try whatever suits you best and always use a socket.
Layout Download
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Box of Metal with GATE control

This is again the Box of Metal from zVex's but with a GATE control. This is not the actual gate circuit of the original. The gate control is taken from G2D's Morpheus pedal. I haven't tried it yet as this was meant for experimenting. All the non-labeled transistors are BS170. Opamp can be any as long as it is a single one. Feel free to comment.
Fulltone OCD v4

The layout to be presented this time is the version 4 of Fulltone's OCD. Schematics are everywhere including the other version. The MOSFET is a 2N7000 and the LED anti-pop circuit is also included-the one labeled "LED" is where your indicator LED must be connected. The layout is verified. This pedal sounds so good on it's own.
Layout download:
Friday, February 20, 2009
Parametric EQ

What I have here today is a parametric EQ from a japanese schematic. I haven't built it but the layout is correct as per schem. This looks simple and interesting so I decided to make a layout on this one. I already did the Ibanez PQL but i'm not quite satisfied with the results. Well, maybe this one is not bad at all as it is in my "to-do" list now. I would suggest to use reverse audio pots for the Q and Frequency pots(dual gang). Be careful with the jumpers especially at the TL074 opamp. It would be nice to solder an insulated wire at the copperside. Sorry, I just want every layout to be compact as possible. The numbers labeled as "3 2 1" is pretty much standard in pot designation, ie 3=CW, 2=W, 1=CCW.
Layout download
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
MXR Zakk Wylde OD(ZW-44)

This is the MXR ZW-44 overdrive layout taken from Analogguru's schematic. I did not include Jack Orman's anti-LED pop this time but i use the original's LED switching instead. The pads labeled SWITCH is going to be connected in the 3PDT footswitch(if this will be used instead of DPDT). Please take note that the square pads of the diodes is the "+"(banded side or the cathode). Layout is verified.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Box of Metal

This is the Box of Metal without the GATE section taken from this traced schematic. Board is laid out with PCB mount pots and fits in a 125B type boxes. Almost all resistors are in standing position. You can try both the values suggested in the TREBLE cap(20nF or 180pF). The semiconductor is a BS170 MOSFET. I used ones from Fairchild Semi(pinout is "D G S" facing its front/flat side). Layout is verified. For more infos, click here.
Layout Download

Monday, February 16, 2009
Double Drive overdrive (true bypass version B)
Double Drive overdrive (true bypass version A)

Alright, here is the true bypass version layout of the Tech 21 DD plus a bonus of PCB mount pots!. This fits in a 1590 Hammond style enclosure. Jack Orman's LED anti-pop circuit is also included(located at the INPUT). Schematics based from here. Layout is verified!Enjoy.

overdrive pedal,
Tech 21 Double Drive,
True bypass
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Double Drive Overdrive

Here's a project for non-true bypass freaks out there. It's the Tech21 Double Drive OD. Square pads of the diodes indicates the CATHODE. FET switching is adapted from Boss pedals switching system. Use 2SK30A for switching FETs and BC945 for the bipolars. Footswitch is a normally open type. Layout is verified!. True bypass version to follow.

Nobels Guitar Nycro Headphone amp

Here is a headphone guitar amplifier from Nobels. This is an excellent sounding little box. Crystal clean tones, awesome overdrive and distortion selections too. Offboard connections are not shown. The selector switch is a DP3T(double pole - three throw) ie like the one used in diy sansamp GT-2(Alco switch). Switching configuration is this:
P1 T1 T2 T3
P2 T1 T2 T3
Each point corresponds each pins of the switch. Layout is verified!
DI box(H&K Red Box Mark II)

Build the Hughes and Kettner Red Box Mk II DI box with cabinet simulation. Layout is of course verified. I used this little box for my PC recording stuff. Schematic is at this site Please note that in the schematic there is no option for phantom powering. It would be better if a bipolar capacitor(1uF) at the output will be used. The 10ohms and 100n in the GND LIFT portion is not included in the schematic. The idea was taken from Rod Elliot(Elliot Sound Products), it can be omitted if desired. Here's the layout:

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Crunchbox v2 project

This is the crunchbox v2 of MI audio verified PCB layout. Added with Jack Orman's LED anti-pop circuit.
Simple yet effective anti-pop circuit for true bypass pedals. Opamp is LM833 specifically from National Semiconductor but I use ST's version with excellent results. Try it!Remember to use IC socket.

guitar effects,
MI audio,
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